Welcome Address By Proprietress

Welcome to the website of Usra Academy, here you will learn all about Usra Academy and what drives us. Usra means family and Usra Academy is a Family owned school we hope to make you a part of our family. A family cares for each other, shares with each other protects one another, supports and advices one another. That is how it is in Usra Academy. On our website you will find information about the program we run, you also find class information, admission procedures, the calendar, news and other events. There is a segment for the students too including award segment. Its nice to have you here with us, enjoy.

Usra Academy


Our goal is to teach the curriculum in a manner that; - Is achievement and performance driven - Is in line with national and international standards - Emphasises scientific and innovative thought - Gives the students every opportunity to express themselves

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A conventional entrance examination is given to pupils seeking admission into this category of classes. The number of pupils admitted will be determined by the vacancies available. Parents are to purchase the application forms and attach the following documents: - Birth Certificate - Report Card of previous two terms - Two passport size photographs of the child

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Our history

Usra Academy was established in December 2005 as a dream of merging the Islamic education and morals with modern system of education. The product we hope will be spiritually balanced intellectuals. The school formally opened its doors in January 2007 with its play group class. Two years later the classes range from play group class to primary two (2). It presently has classes from Playgroup class to Secondary classes.


The process began


We started with just 5 students


The graduation of our first set of primary pupils



We started our secondary section.


The graduation of our first set of secondary students


Five set of graduates


Secondary Students


Primary Students


